Tuesday, April 24, 2012

3KCBWDAY2 Photography Challenge Day - Knitting and Crochet Blog Week

If you're a Zumba instructor like me or have ever been to a Zumba class then you probably find the above picture hilarious!  For those of you who don't know what Zumba is, it's a cardio class based on Latin and International Rhythms.  Basically you dance an hour away and burn a ton of calories!

Well for Day 2 of the 3rd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week the topic is Photography Challenge.  The photos just have to include something from our craft, and are not going to be judged on the skill of the photographer <phew!> but by the creativity and imagination put into the photo.  <You, the reader of blogs, are the nominators.  So if you like my entry below, head over to Eskimimi using this link to nominate me please!>

So what does the Zumba image have to do with all of this?  It's my inspiration for today's challenge.

What do you think? What's life without a little humor, right?! :)


  1. Haha, yup that is what I really look like when I knit...the yarn always ends up unraveled and all over the place! I am your newest follower from the Networking Blog Hop! I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see please follow back :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  2. Hi! I'm your newest follower and co-host of this month's blog hop. Thanks so much for joining in on the fun :) I'm looking forward to getting you know you better!

    This made me LAUGHHHH

  3. Haha! Both pictures made me laugh Britt.. your too cute :)

  4. haha. That's too funny! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

  5. I love the comparison of what we think and what we actually look like. I feel this way when I'm running. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays.

  6. That is so funny!!! Love this! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday's Temptation.

  7. Ha! LOVE the analogy!! So funny! That would totally be me with the knitting!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. Thanks for linking up @CountryMommaCooks link and great party. Hope to see you again tomorrow:)


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