Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Works in Progress - 5.23

Here goes again!  Many projects started, none completed. :)  I know I'm not alone in this!

I did make some progress on my bear cocoon.  I'm working on the oval that will be then belly.  Then on to the hat!!

Nothing to report on refinishing this children's bench.  I still need to take the metal pieces to my father-in-law to clean them up with the sand blaster.

I haven't done anything else with my Zig Zag Quilt Top either.  I'm debating whether to use quilting cotton or flannel for the back...

I have however, made lots of progress on my bookshelf ladder.

I cut out the shelves...

Primed everything...

And added the first coat of light blue paint to it today.  One more coat and then I can do the final assembly.  Yay!!

Painting today was somewhat frustrating though as I had 2-year-old hands helping and feet walking on my project.  It's what I get for trying to paint with my little one awake!  Lesson learned.

And that one petal of my Retro Flower quilt block from last week has now become a whole flower!  Yay!

And look!  I even got a second one done today!  More frustration though as my sewing machine and I were not getting along.  In 40 minutes I only managed to sew two 3 1/2 inch long seams successfully.  ARGH!  :)  It's okay though.  I'm in the market for a new machine.  Any suggestions?


  1. Oh my gosh, so much DIY, I love it! My blog is mostly about quilting, but I love wood working and re-finishing furniture. I'm so impressed with the retro flowers I've been seeing lately - yours looks awesome!

  2. love that color! one of my favorites! found you via the blog hop xo

  3. Saw you on Rae Gun Ramblings. I love your zig zag quilt and your retro flowers. I've so been wanting to do those :-)

  4. Looks like you have a lot of great projects in the works! I love the retro flowers! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday's Temptation.

  5. It's frustrating when machines play up!!! I LOVE my Bernina! I love how your Zig Zag quilt looks 3D... very effective.

  6. Your bookcase ladder and flower quilt are looking great!
    I've had the same machine for 8 years now - a Janome, and I love it!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. Hi Britt, Love you quilt blocks. I'm a new GFC friend, I would love if you stop by and be mine, too.

  8. I hear you. Lots of projects going and nothing done. Frustrating, but really fun when everything is done at once :o)
    Lots of goodness you have going on - can't wait to see what you create :o)
    Thanks for linking!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  9. Thanks Britt for linking this up at Seasonal Celebration Sunday! Rebecca@Natural Mothers Network x Can't wait to see what you link up next week!

  10. Thank you so much for linking up in our Saturday Showcase this past week! We were thrilled to have you and hope that you stop back in on Saturday and link up more crafty ideas!

    Have a super weekend!
    Susie at Bowdabra


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