Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Knitting Learning Curve

A year ago I decided to teach myself how to knit.  I don't know why I got the idea in my head, but the next think I knew I was ordering "Funky Knitting" from my sister's book order.

It makes me laugh because it says things like "Rockin'" and "Too easy!"

I thought I could figure it out if this book was meant for 8-year olds.  Right?  WRONG!!  I started with just a swatch to practice casting on, knitting, and purling.  I though I was doing okay, till I started to notice  missed stitches.  Then I somehow managed to increase without meaning too.  I also knit some rows when I should have purled, and vice versa.  This is what my attempt looks like.  Yikes!!

It took guts to share this photo. :)
About that time someone taught me the basics of crocheting.  I put the knitting needles aside and ran with crocheting.  It was SO much easier too me!  There was still a learning curve.  I still remember the first time someone showed me a double crochet.  It went something like this..."Yarn on, put your needle through the stitch, yarn on, pull through, yarn on, pull through two loops, yarn on, pull through two loops.  There!"  My response was an incredulous, "All of THAT is just ONE stitch!!"  It got better though, and I love it.

A month or so ago I decided to try my hand at knitting again.  I picked my funky book and clumsily held my needles.  Things went much better this time though.  I realized what I was doing that was causing the increasing, I became more comfortable with the needles in my hands, and I definitely felt more confident.  This was my first completed project.  A little purse, for my little cutie.  Not much, but I was happy with it!

Sorry for the blurry photo.  Maybe photography should
be the next hobby I pick up so learn how to take a decent photo.
Next I branched out and decided I'd try a scarf for a niece.  After reading the instructions in my book and a youtube tutorial I gave the rib stitch a go.  I definitely made some mistakes, but things got increasingly better the further I went, and the mistakes fewer.  I wasn't counting rows though, so the stripes ended up being different lengths.  Oh well!  It gives it character, right?

Isn't she such a cute model!  I like her sass.  I crocheted the
headband for her a year ago when I was trying to
develop a headband pattern.

Then I decided to get really brave and knit a hat for myself.  I wasn't sure that I wanted to try the 5 needle thing so I bought a circular needle.  Okay, actually I bought like five circular needles in an attempt to get the right size and length.  I should have researched that part better first.

Trial and error wasn't over yet though.  I think I started this hat at least five times!  A few times were with the wrong cable length, then I had too small of yarn, then I didn't have enough stitches to fit my head.  One time I even got five inches done before I realized it was too small.  Oh boy...  But after all of that trial and error it's finally done!

 I even learned fair isle knitting, Continental and English style, and how to switch from a circular needle to five double point needles for this project.  I was so happy!

This photo was taken during a no make-up, hair not done
moment.  I'm either incredibly secure, or too tired to care.
And I was purposely trying to have a cheesy grin.
It's a little long and bulky, (did I say "little" check out the picture above!) but I'm hoping it will tighten up a bit in the wash.  But it's so soft and warm!  I love it!  And so does my little one!

I'm pretty sure she was telling me her new
favorite word right here.  The dreaded N-O.


  1. Awesome job! You're even doing amazing colorwork! LOVE it all!


  2. Great work on the knitting! Good for you going back to it and not letting it beat you! Cute photos!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Well done with sticking with it and getting it!! I find knitting a bit tedious but I admire your skill!

  4. I love the colors of the striped hat! So cute! Thanks for linking up to MM.

  5. Tagged you in a game of blog tag


  6. I love the hat. Good for you. I started knitting a year ago too, and I only just completed my second scarf! I am working on a shawl now, but only because I am part of a new knitting club. That keeps me motivated.

  7. I love the hat :) I've wanted to learn to knit for years but I don't have the patience. I did buy some loom knitters and love those. Keep knitting :)

  8. What a cute hat! Looks great on that little one :) Wish I knew how to knit!!

  9. That is a great cap. I love it - and a good choice of colors. Nice job! :-)

  10. Great projects! I know what you mean about trial and error...been there! I stink at knitting. You did an awesome job though, and your little model is TOO cute! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays!

  11. Super cute!! Love it! Thanks for sharing at Thursday's Temptation.

  12. Love the stripes. I think it turned out great! Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

  13. It looks so soft! Your daughter is beautiful. I definitely understand the "no" word. My two year old sees the camera and immediately tells me "no cheese mama!". Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays!

  14. Great going on keeping at it till you mastered knitting!!! You've made an awesome beanie. Love the colours...


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