About two years ago I had a brilliant idea. I was going to make Christmas rag quilts for each of my siblings families and one for my parents. That's seven rag quilts. It was during the beginning of my sewing experience so basic rag quilts were the extent of my skill. Great idea, right?
Here they all are! The four on top have actually been "ragged" and washed. They're throw size, about 4 ft x 4ft. |
I bought the material (oh how quickly the cost added up!) and went to work. I loved it and had so much fun at first! Then the problems started. I was pregnant and something - the smell of my sewing room, the heat upstairs, the smell of the material - was making me nauseous. I tried to push through, but it wasn't happening. So they got put on hold for a while.
I started working on them again during my second and third trimester and things went much better! But then my baby came and time grew short. I'd work on them here and there, but they still didn't make it done for the next Christmas.
Here's one of my favorites. |
Here we are three Christmas' later, and they're all sewn together! Yay! I have four of them "ragged," and I'm slowly working on the other three. They've actually been sewn together for months, but I've had a hard time finding the motivation to rag all of them. Any volunteers?
And another favorite. |
My sibs may actually get them as presents this year. :) Now I just have two problems. 1) I want one. 2) How do I decide who I give which one? I need to decide quick, because I need to get one in the mail!
I just recently made one of these too. First time and loved it. Yours are beautiful. I sat on the couch and watched TV with my scissors and did the "ragging", took a few days but got it done. Hang in there.